How It Works

Save Hours at the Dealership

Save an average $3,668 off MSRP

Buy your next car 100% online. Get instant upfront pricing on all our vehicles. Complete everything from the comfort of your home — without ever having to visit a dealership. Home delivery within {{dealerPartner.delivery_radius}} miles (fees may apply).

Shop All Models

Step 1 Choose

Pick any model from our inventory, or build your own to get exactly what you want. Tendrás a un conserje personal a tu disposición para responder cualquier pregunta en cada paso.

Step 2 Pricing

Get instant upfront pricing. We'll apply all available incentives, and ensure you get the best possible lease or finance terms. If you have a trade-in we'll make you an instant cash offer on your car.

Antes de tomar ninguna decisión, te enviaremos una lista de ventas que describe cada aspecto de tu compra, incluidas las alternativas al contado, financiada y de alquiler en leasing.

Lista de ventas de ejemplo

unlock pricing

Step 3 Trade-In

Get a firm offer within 24–36 hours. We'll update your purchase with our best offer and notify you when it is ready for you to review. The offer is redeemable with or without the purchase of a new car.

Get My Offer

your trade-in

Step 4 Credit & Docs

Necesitamos que completes una solicitud de crédito y que cargues una copia de tu carnet de conducir y una tarjeta de seguro válida. Incluso para los compradores al contado, necesitamos recopilar un breve formulario (requisitos federales). Esto nos permitirá ofrecer una lista de ventas final basada en el crédito aprobado y la elegibilidad de compra.

credit application

Step 5 Final Review

Para finalizar la compra necesitamos que revises una lista de ventas final con cifras basadas en tu crédito aprobado. Revisa y acepta la lista de ventas final y estarás listo para recoger tu auto.

deal sheet

Step 6 Delivery

Pickup at our offices or schedule delivery at your home or office. We’ll help you set up your Bluetooth phone connection and walk through any features of your car.

Arrange a time to pick up your new car from our offices. We’ll help you set up your Bluetooth phone connection and walk through any features of your car.

Schedule delivery at your home or office. We’ll help you set up your Bluetooth phone connection and walk through any features of your car.

You’re all set. The car is yours! If you have a trade-in, we’ll collect that too.

Delivery Checklist Pickup Checklist

pickup or delivery

Our upfront pricing guarantee

For cars purchased through the {{rdgl.partner.short_name}} Tienda Express, we guarantee 100% transparent and upfront pricing providing every detail of your purchase BEFORE you make any commitment — all without leaving your home or visiting a dealership.

pricing guarantee
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